Charlie, The Teacher

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When we recently lost our 12-year-old dog, our 3-year-old dog went into a deep depression. Poor Charlie was so lonely and sad. (I’m sure some of you may roll your eyes at this, but it’s true – his behavior changed, and our once lively dog became quiet and lethargic.) So, we added to our family an 8-week-old female pup, Lucy.

As Lucy was acclimating herself to our home, Charlie took her under his wing. He was always by her side, no matter where she went. The two of them would play together, they’d sleep together, and it was the cutest thing ever.

Watching a huge male Rottweiler suddenly become a gentle nurturer and father figure to this energetic pup, well, it makes my heart melt. Charlie teaches Lucy what she’s supposed to be doing. He teaches her “the way of our people”. He’s shown her how to go up and down steps. He’s shown her how to ring the bell when she needs to go outside, and he even alerted us when Lucy had an “accident” that needed cleaned up. He’s taught her how to have fun without getting in trouble, showing her what are appropriate toys, and what aren’t toys at all.

She learned so quickly because she had the constant companionship of a great teacher. Little tiny Lucy thinks she’s “all that” because of the coolness of her big burly teacher who’s always nearby. And she’s right!

God reminded me that His Holy Spirit is just like Charlie is with Lucy. Jesus died, but He left us a very wise Teacher to show us how to do things – to “ring the bell” when we need it rung, to show us how to have fun without getting into trouble, and to just give us a hug when we need that too. The Holy Spirit will teach us God’s ways.

Whether we’re at work, or shopping, or out for a walk – if we follow the Holy Spirit’s lead, He’ll show us what we’re supposed to be doing. We will definitely be “all that”. Because of big, awesome Teacher. And when God sees us together, I believe it makes His heart melt.

He will teach you all things, and bring to remembrance all things that I said to you. – John 14:26