Pennies From Heaven

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Many years ago, I’d heard a great story about “Pennies From Heaven”, and how God let’s pennies “show up” in our lives as a reminder of Him. We’re to look at the “In God We Trust” and smile, knowing that God’s smiling on us right there, right then, at that moment.

Well, my young son was about to go on a cruise to the Bahamas with his father. As a typical mom, I was worried about my 5-year-old’s safety and was concerned that I wouldn’t be there to take care of him (like I’m the only one who can keep him safe!)

Anyway, (don’t laugh) I went out and bought him a bright orange swim suit, so he’d be easily seen in case he fell overboard. (I told you not to laugh!). He was always a climber, climbing before he even walked, so we had several long talks about not climbing on any railing, etc. I did everything I could to alleviate my fears – including praying.

The day he was supposed to leave, I was standing in my bedroom with my arms around my little boy, asking God to please watch over him and keep him safe. As I held him in my arms, trying to be strong and hold back the tears, I looked down at the floor, and there was a penny! Instantly, I remembered that story about the pennies from heaven, and instantly, I felt peace in my heart – I knew that God could take better care of him than I could!

But what I saw next blew me away. It made my heart miss a few beats. As I bent to pick the penny up, I saw that it was not a U.S. coin. It was a Bahamian coin! I am not making this up! The penny God dropped in the middle of my bedroom was from the very country my son would be visiting!!! He was making it very clear that He would take care of my son.

OH yeah. God smiles.

In God I trust. — Psalm 11:1